Why Is Blud The Best Motorcycle Oil For Endurance Racing?

The wind in your face, the freedom of the track, the satisfaction of a well-tuned engine with massive horsepower sitting beneath you, and that blissful escape from the everyday grind.

That’s what riding a motorcycle truly means.

Then, there is the added thrill of testing your skill against the pack. The ultimate combination of man and machine, pushing your limits for hours on end in the race of all races - an endurance race.

Both are amazing experiences for any rider, but there are major differences between taking your bike out for a little ride and competing in an endurance race.

The pace, stakes and demands are far higher when racing.

That’s why you need the ultimate motorcycle oil to power you. One that is specifically designed to meet the gruelling demands of endurance racing.

You need to go for the Blud, here’s why!

What Makes A Good Motorcycle Oil?

When it comes to motorcycle endurance racing, you don’t want to waste your time on an oil that isn’t going to do the job. You need to ensure you can maintain optimal engine performance while racing in demanding long distance, high speed conditions.

These are the essential attributes of a good motorcycle oil:

Synthetic: The best motorcycle oils are 100% synthetic. That’s because they can be specifically formulated for the demanding conditions of endurance racing. This precise formulation allows them to provide superior performance, protection and stability compared to mineral and OEM oils.

Wet Clutch Compatibility: Wet clutch systems are commonly used in high performance and endurance racing bikes due to their excellent cooling abilities and durability. The clutch plates of a wet clutch are immersed in oil to improve lubrication and prevent overheating while riding. So, it stands to reason that a good motorcycle oil will need to be compatible with this system.

High Viscosity Index: In endurance racing, you encounter a wide range of operating temperatures. From a cold start to the extreme heat experienced during your ride, you must ensure your engine has effective lubrication no matter the temp! A good endurance oil has high viscosity index so it can maintain consistent and effective lubrication across all temperatures.

Stability: Viscosity is just one aspect of consistent oil performance, the other is stability. A good motorcycle oil will resist breaking down at high temperatures and in high stress conditions, maintaining its performance and stability along with adequate lubrication.

Protection: Your engine goes through a lot when you race, which is why you need motorcycle oil with the additives designed to protect and prolong the life of the different components. Oxidation resistance helps to prevent the formation of sludge which can reduce performance by clogging things up, as does dispersants; and anti-wear additives help to extend the life of critical engine parts. These are all essential protections when endurance racing.

Friction Modifiers: Without the correct lubrication, your engine can experience internal friction, negatively impacting your power output. A good oil will fix all of that, even enhancing your output. And in a wet clutch system, the correct formulation is critical to also prevent clutch slippage.

Endurance Racing Requires Special Considerations

Endurance motorcycle racing is different from standard track racing. That’s why you need a motorcycle oil with the distinct formulations and performance characteristics to handle the intense and long-occurring demands.

Endurance racing can last anywhere between a couple of hours to a whole day, which is a long time on a bike! Racing for such extended periods means you need a motorcycle oil that can perform consistently over this extended period without degrading or failing. It needs to perform all of the functions we just mentioned, despite the prolonged mechanical stress it will endure.

Standard road racing typically includes shorter bursts of high performance. But, endurance racing needs to function effectively for much longer time periods. That’s why it is essential to choose a motorcycle oil that can provide you with long-term stability and consistent performance over an extended period.

Why Blud Is The Best You Can Get

We’ve talked about what makes a good racing oil for your motorcycle, but you don't want to simply settle for good, are we right? You want the best for your racing machine!

That’s why Blud is the ultimate choice.

Here are some of the ways that Blud’s ultimate motorcycle engine oil, Scorpion Blud, will give you all the protection and performance during a race so that you simply need to focus on winning…

  • 100% synthetic ultra premium mPAO based fluids designed for the extreme stresses of racing
  • Suitable for engine, transmission, and wet-clutch systems
  • Excellent oxidation resistance compared to other leading brands
  • Exceeds OEM Warranty Requirements
  • Maximizes performance with increased horsepower & torque
  • Reduced wear resulting in longer engine life
  • Designed for 4 Stroke Engines
  • Excellent for 2 Stroke Transmission/Wet Clutch
  • Meets and exceeds JASO MA MA2 standards
  • Improved fuel economy
  • Helps your engine run cooler in extreme heat

Ready To Go For The Blud?

If you are ready to push yourself and your machine to the limits, then Blud is ready to get you there.

Blud’s ultra premium mPAO based fluids are designed for the most extreme stresses that racing brings. Our engine oils give you the ultimate level of protection and performance during a race so that you can focus solely on winning, not how your bike is running.

Shop our range of racing oils now.